All abstract submitters are invited to present their results as a Short Oral communication or Flash talk.
Entries are judged by the members of the board on the quality of the abstract.
The abstract submitter will be informed by the end of June whether their abstract has been selected to be presented as a
Short Oral Communication OR a Flash Talk.
A date of the session and presentation guidelines will be provided by mid-July.
At the AETE annual conference, the presenters will be requested to present their work in poster and oral (10 minutes + 5 minutes for
Q&A) or a flask talk (5 minutes) presentation
The presenters of a flash talk will be requested to present their abstract in an oral presentation of 5 minute maximum and 1 slide only. The author will
focus only on the main aim of the research and only mention the key findings. The purpose of the flash talk is to stimulate the audience to view the poster and to discuss the research with the
author. Q&A time right after the poster flash talk will not be provided.
A first-place winner for the best oral communication/flash talk will be awarded a cash prize of 250 €
and complementary registration for the next AETE meeting.
Judges will be representative AETE members who have no conflicts of interest with respect to the presenters.
Presenters whose abstracts are not among the selected for oral presentation/flash talkshave to present their data in the poster session by attending the
conference or sending their posters with a representative who will make the presentation.