Registration AETE 2024

Registration is available here.


We kindly ask you to use direct bank transfer via IBAN to avoid extra bank fees for our society. It is also possible to pay online by credit card. In that case please use the secured payment provided by PAYPAL!

In case of any questions regarding the registration procedure you can send a message to:


Registration Fees



Total conference fee


Early full registration
(until 15th of July)



390 euro


Late full registration



470 euro


Student early registration

(until 15th of July)



175 euro


Student late registration



220 euro


Accompanying person

(no conference or lunches, only social events)



200 euro


Workshop contributors



175 euro


Clients of sponsors



295 euro 


 Membership fee (150 €) is included in all abovementioned fees.

Hotel booking

Hotel reservations can be made here.