Dear Colleagues,
This is your first invitation to participate in the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) that will be held in Cork, Ireland, from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th of September 2025.
AETE wants to facilitate science communication and the translation to practical application. With this in mind, we warmly invite abstract submissions summarizing the exciting research carried out within the frame of AETE society.
General information
Instructions for Submitting an Abstract
a. Author(s):
List the full first and last name of each author. Do not use an initial instead of a full first name. Initials are optional and permitted for middle name(s).
Anthony C. Hamilton, Charles Smith
The maximum number of authors is 15.
b. Organization(s):
List affiliations in the following format: Department (optional), Company/Institute, City, State, and Country. No other details are required. Do not list full postal addresses.
University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
a. Title of the contribution:
Capitalize the first letter of the first word only, leaving all others lowercase unless proper nouns. Do NOT bold or italicize the entire title. Do NOT include any author information in the title.
b. Abstract:
Word Limit:
Abstracts are limited to 3250 characters, including spaces. The title, keywords, and acknowledgments are included in the 3250-character limit. However, the authors and affiliations are not included.
The content must include objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusions. Do not use sub-headings (e.g., introduction, methods, conclusion) in your abstract. Tables and figures will not be accepted. With the exception of established abbreviations (e.g., FSH, LH, hCG, eCG, BSA, IVF, IVP), abbreviations must be defined in full the first time they appear in the text of the abstract. Commercial products and other materials should be identified in the text by manufacturer name, city, and country. Dosages and routes of administration should be specified. The statistical methods used in the analyses must be indicated. References should be summarized (consisting of first author, journal, volume, page, and year) and appear in the same sentence as the quoted text.
Please note: Abstracts included in the category Practitioner’s and Clinical reports is open for clinical case reports, field data, and preliminary data. The abstracts do not need to meet the scientific criteria for publication in Animal Reproduction. Instead, accepted abstracts will be published only in AETE Proceedings but not in the journal Animal Reproduction.
c. Keywords
Please enter up to three keywords for your contribution here in lower cases, separated by commas. For example: embryo, freezing, cattle
You will receive a confirmation when you submit your abstract. If you do not receive these confirmations, please check your ‘spam’ folders.
All abstract notifications will be sent to the e-mail address of the abstract submitter. It is the responsibility of the abstract submitter to distribute the information to any presenting authors and/or co-authors.