Albert De Vries is a Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida. He grew up on a dairy and swine farm in the Netherlands. He went to Wageningen University where he received a BS and MS in animal science with a minor in agricultural economics. He obtained a Ph.D. in Animal Sciences from the University of Minnesota in St. Paul where he focused on dairy science, applied economics, operations research, and statistics. In 2001, Albert accepted a faculty position at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He currently teaches two undergraduate dairy courses and advises undergraduate dairy students and graduate students. His research interests are in optimization of culling and replacement strategies, economics of reproduction and genetics, precision dairy farming, and statistical process control. In his extension role, he works with the allied dairy industry and dairy farmers on farm financial management and to apply the results of his dairy systems management research.
Dr De Vries will give a lecture entitled: The economics of assisted reproduction in farm animals.
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